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Schindler, Oskar
  • Schindler
  • Schindler's List
  • Schindler: The Documentary
Second Generation
  • About the Holocaust
  • Angst
  • Because of That War
  • Breaking the Silence
  • Dark Lullabies
  • Everything's For You
  • In Dark Places
  • Kaddish
  • Legacy - Children of Holocaust Survivors
  • Say I'm a Jew
  • Survivors of the Holocaust
  • Third Generation
  • Voices From the Attic
Senesh, Hannah
  • Hanna's War
  • Interrogation in Budapest
  • Ioannina Athens Jerusalem
  • Jewish Community of Salonika
  • Rhodes Forever
  • Echoes That Remain
  • Poland
  • Return to My Shtetl Delatyn
  • Shtetl (Part I & Part II)
  • Shtetl (Part III)
St. Louis
  • Bound for Nowhere: The St. Louis Episode
  • Doomed Voyage of the St. Louis
  • Double Crossing: The Voyage of the St. Louis
  • Voyage of the Damned
  • Voyage of the St. Louis
Sugihara, Chiune
  • Visas That Saved Lives
  • All Jews Out
  • America & the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference
  • Angst
  • Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died
  • Birdman
  • Born in Berlin
  • Breaking the Silence
  • Buchenwald - Liberator Meets Survivor
  • Children in the Holocaust
  • Elie Wiesel: Witness to the Holocaust Nobel Peace Prize, 1986
  • Europa, Europa
  • Everything's For You
  • Father's Return to Auschwitz
  • From Out of the Ashes
  • Holocaust & the Resistance
  • Holocaust Through Our Own Eyes
  • In Dark Places
  • In Our Hands: The Hidden Story of the Jewish Brigade in World War II
  • In Their Words
  • Journey Back
  • Journey Into Life (Part I)
  • Journey Into Life (Part II)
  • Journey Into Life (Part III)
  • Journey to Prague
  • Kaddish
  • Kitty: Return to Auschwitz
  • Last Klezmer
  • Last Sea
  • Lilly: An Eyewitness Account of the Annexation of Austria
  • Lodz Ghetto
  • Lonely Struggle: Last Hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
  • Long Way Home
  • Lost Children of Berlin
  • Maine Survivors Remember the Holocaust
  • Max and Helen
  • Memorandum
  • Memory of a Moment
  • My Brother's Keeper
  • Never Forget
  • Now After All These Years
  • Other Side of Faith
  • Painful Reminder
  • Paradise Camp
  • Passage
  • Past that Lives
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 15 "The Hundred Thousand" (1935-1946)
  • Place to Save Your Life: The Shanghai Jews
  • Prejudice and Hate: Georgians and the Holocaust
  • Present Memory, Part 1: Changes 1920-1967
  • Quarrel
  • Remembering the Darkness: The Sarah Lichtman Story
  • Return to Life
  • Return to My Shtetl Delatyn
  • Reunion
  • Robert Clary: A5714-A Memory of Liberation
  • Rose Garden
  • Safe Haven
  • Say I'm a Jew
  • Shoah
  • Simon Wiesenthal: Freedom is Not a Gift From Heaven
  • Skokie
  • So Many Miracles
  • Sobibor - Tom Blatt's Documentaries
  • Sorrow: The Nazi Legacy
  • Stolen Childhood
  • Suicide of a Camp Survivor: The Case of Primo Levi
  • Survivors of the Holocaust
  • Susan
  • A Teenager's Experience (The Holocaust)
  • Through Our Eyes: Children of the Holocaust
  • To Bear Witness
  • To Mend the World
  • Tomorrow Came Much Later
  • Voices From the Attic
  • Voices of Survival
  • We Must Never Forget: The Story of the Holocaust
  • We Were So Beloved
  • We Were There: Jewish Liberators of the Nazi Concentration Camps
  • When I Was 14: A Survivor Remembers
  • Witnesses
  • Witnesses: Anti-Semitism in Poland 1946
  • You are Free
  • Blood Money: Switzerland's Nazi Gold
  • Boat is Full

  • All Jews Out
  • Fuhrer Gives a City to the Jews
  • I Never Saw Another Butterfly
  • Journey of the Butterfly
  • Paradise Camp
  • Terezin Diary
  • Theresienstadt 1941-1945
  • Theresienstadt - Gateway to Auschwitz

  • For the Living
  • James Ingo Freed: The Architecture of the Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • Anschluss +50 Years
Wallenberg, Raoul
  • Missing Hero
  • One Man
  • Raoul Wallenberg: Between the Lines
  • Raoul Wallenberg: Buried Alive
  • Rescue in Scandinavia
Wannsee Conference
  • Road to Wannsee: Eleven Million Sentenced to Death
  • Sorrow: The Nazi Legacy
  • Wannsee Conference
  • Camp of Hope & Despair: Witnesses of Westerbork
Wiesel, Elie
  • Elie Wiesel: Witness to the Holocaust Nobel Peace Prize, 1986
  • Itinerary of Elie Wiesel: From Sighet to Jerusalem
  • Portrait of Elie Wiesel
  • Bergen-Belsen, Woebbelin & Gardelegen Massacres
World War I/II
  • Countdown to War
  • Divide & Conquer (Why We Fight, Part II)
  • Eyewitness to History
  • First World War & the Rise of Fascism
  • How Hitler Lost the War
  • Inside the Reich: Germany 1940-44
  • Les Miserables
  • Liberation
  • Prelude to War (Why We Fight, Part 1)
  • Second World War
  • September 1939

  • Land of the Demons

  • Hatikvah the Hope
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 01 "Destination Jerusalem"
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 02 "The Arab Awakening" (1918-1920)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 03 "Jewish People, Where are You?" (the 1920s)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 04 "The Valley is a Dream" (the 1920s)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 05 "The Most Peaceful Spot in the Middle East" (the 1920s)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 06 "The Crossroads" (1929-1933)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 07 "The Gathering Storm" (1933-1935)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 08 "Disorder and Revolt" (1936)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 09 "Who's Afraid of a Jewish State?" (1937-1938)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 10 "Trapped" (1938-1939)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 11 "Soldiers Without a Flag" (1939-1941)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 12 "The Final Solution" (1941-1942)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 13 "Heroes and Martyrs" (1942-1943)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 14 "The Forgotten Ally" (1943-1945)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 15 "The Hundred Thousand" (1935-1946)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 16 "The Struggle" (1946-1947)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 17 "The Tribunal of Nations" (1947)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 18 "The Silver Platter" (1947-1948)
  • Pillar of Fire - Chapter 19 "We Hereby Proclaim the Establishment of the State of Israel"
  • Young Pioneers

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.
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